

Phone: 08219960014,09816846789

Region: Kullu – Malana
Season: April to October
Grade: Moderate
Duration: 6 Days

Day 01: 
Trek starts from Naggar. Climbing steadily past Rumsu village, the trek enters a thick cedar forest and opens out at an alpine meadow in Stelling. Trekking begins with the trail winding up through a fir, oak and walnut forest. Passing enroute, the meadows of Chaklani and Parol, with views of Kullu valley below and spectacular peaks of Bara Bangal and Pir Panchal ranges in the horizons. After the initial climb, the trek levels off with a slight ascent before Ohan Kalari. Ohan Kalari has a magnificent view of the Chandrakhani Pass.

Day 02: 
The trek to Chandrakhani is a pleasant climb. Famous high peaks, some towering above 20,000 ft, are all visible from this vantage point. The trek to the camp initially follows the ridge line and then descends into the meadow of Nagruni which is known for its wild pheasants.

Day 03: 
Todays trek starts with a continuous descent through an oak forest passing enroute Dadru, the summer cultivation grounds of Malana village. From there, it follows the river Malana upstream. an area rich in wildlife, the trek alternates between forests and meadows till it reaches the Bara Garhan camp.

Day 04: 
The valley’ at this point widens up considerably as it is a U-shaped glacial creation. The Ratna peak towers majestically over the area. The trek follows rich alpine meadows and gradually ascends to Kiksa Thach. Kiksa Thach is a huge glacial amphitheater. It is sealed at its head by the Dudana Glacier.

Day 05: 
Day at leisure with an opportunity to observe and explore a quarry lake. Descent to Chotta Garhan trek follows the river downstream passing through thick oak forests and meadows.

Day 06: 
We descend to the mysterious village today. The people of Malana are thought to be the descenders Alexander The Great’s army. They have their own judiciary and parliamentry system, and think themselves to be the highest caste in the world. Hen strangers or outsiders are allowed to touch them as they believe that th be thus defiled. Their God is Jamlu, the ruling deity of the Valley of the The camp site is located on a beautiful spur overlooking the Jan valley. A Alternatively, a night’s stay in a local traditional cottage can be arranged.